Saturday, January 10, 2009

Recession - Time for an Abundance Supercharge

It's easy to get discouraged. Just listen to news of our economic downturn, the inflamed conflict between Israel and the Gaza Strip, war continuing in Iraq and Afghanistan . . . and read your personal financial papers to seal the deal. It's way too easy to get discouraged. But we really can't afford that. That is the thing we most cannot afford!

What's your best defense to our country's economic downturn? You might have noticed that some people like to talk about it a lot. And no doubt, it's "real." (I finally did glance at a monthly financial report of my investments - aargh, I worked really hard and gave up a lot so I could save that money!) But here is the crucial moment. What do I do now that I see those lower numbers?

1. Get scared or panic

2. Worry about how I'm going to have enough money for retirement, for medical emergency, for present living expenses

3. Commiserate with everybody else that likes to worry out loud about money

4. Get deflated; feel defeated and/or bitter (How does your body feel right now after hearing this negativity so far?)

5. Stick my head in the sand and pretend nothing has happened

6. Make a plan

OK, it's obvious - Make a plan. And it's pretty obvious what most plans include:

1. How can I cut my expenses for 2009?

2. How can I make more money in my present work?

3. How can I diversify my work -- use my strengths in expanded areas, for expanded populations?

4. How can I raise my vibration to attract more money and joy?

I particularly like the last! Read on in the very next blog. Because making a plan won't help much unless your energy and motivation are supercharged. I'll have some specific suggestions for raising your vibration and mental/physical energies with Emotional Freedom Technique and other methods. You can be attracting more money, joy and satisfaction for 2009. This recession may be just the motivation you needed to energetically take your abundance into your own hands!

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